Teligi 3
Całkowita powierzchnia: 11 880 m²
Powierzchnia użytkowa mieszkań: 7 320 m²
Powierzchnia garaży: 1 430 m²
Liczba mieszkań: 168
Projektant: B2 Studio
Lata realizacji: 2016-2018
Investment at Teligi Street 3 is an eleven-story multi-family building located in the south of Krakow. The structure is set directly on the foundation slab on the ground reinforced with displacement piles. The scope of the investment also included a terrace covered with extensive greenery, serving both a decorative function and a roof for parking spaces. The supporting structure of the terrace is made of steel poles directed at different angles to the ceiling. As the General Contractor, we have also realized the arrangement of the common parts of the building - the internal corridors have wallpapers and the staircases are decorated with visual information.